Saturday, March 11, 2006

Film, Shopping and Music: Another day in Seal Beach Paradise

I was driving to work this morning and was trying to find out what I want to do today to make my life more exciting. Well first I need to study for my GMAT test and then maybe do something with what I love to do. I love to watch independent films. So my goals of the day is study at least 10 pages of GMAT test prep book and find something that have to do with Indie Film.

But now back to what I would like to share with you guys first. I have not been having time to post quality posts for at least 3 days now. Yes I feel really guilty about it but my works take over me these days.

First I would like to talk about the movie that I saw last night. I got this dvd from some store in West Hollywood weeks ago but I just never had a chance to get to it. My friend decided to borrow it and hold it for 3 weeks. Finally I had time and patient to watch it.

I turn off the computer and the lights and yes my cell phone. The movie that I am referring is The Edukators or Fetten Jahre sind vorbei, Die in German. The movie is very moving and has a great cinemagraphy and I have to say that as good as Brokeback Mountain by Ang Lee. The story is about love triangle between 3 young activists in Germany. The three becomes kidnappers and kidnapped to wealthy shallow middle aged man from his home. He is happened to be one of their creditors. Well I don’t want to give away too much about the film but it is not just a cheesy love triangle movie. It is about politic, believe, trust and friendship. It’s about what you believe in and what do you want to do about it. It’s a great movie! The cast are superb and the dialogues are just incredible and easy to understand (well it is in German so I have to give whoever translate this movie a credit). Daniel Brühl is a young talented actor and I can’t wait to see more of his works. Rent it or own it. Oh and the soundtrack is awesome also. Ok I just love this movie.

Now let's move on to the next topic that I always love to write about, music.

Levy is an indie band from New York. I heard about them from Jane magazine and I have to admit that this band is very good. I check their website to see if they going to have any shows in LA but no luck this time. Check out their tracks and music VDO (kind of strange but very very sexy). I am going to Amoeba this week and you bet it is going to be one of the cds that I am going to get for my Thailand trip.

Another Canadian is invading the US soil. Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, Feist, The Stills and now one man show this time Jason Collete. He is a lead singer and guitarist from Broken Social Scene and to follow the trends nowadays, he came out with his own solo album.

Check out his new album Idols of Exile. It is awesome and very good for a Sunday slow afternoon. You can hear all the songs from this album before you buy at his site.

Fashion and Shopping

I always want to own something that is Marc Jakobs designed but since my bank account doesn’t allow me that much I have to be smart about it. I keep my eyes on what he has to show for the next season and I find them from somewhere else. Well what can I say.. Here are some of the sites that I usually use their services. Enjoy!

Delias – Great collection with great price!

Bluefly – Brand name for cheap?? Can’t miss them!

FredFlare – Good for accessories and unique gifts for your friends and family

Ebay – Love to win the bids on all vintage stuffs? Try Ebay

Vintage Amore

I am heading out now. Have to reach my goals today!

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