Thursday, March 09, 2006


Where to go?Downtown art work on every 2nd thrusday of every month. It is free and it is fab!

What is going on here? And i dont understand why all these prep school bastards need $ and two great business schools accepted them for Bschool at the same time!! What's wrong with this picture?

What to buy?Now i wish i have tons of money because all these stuffs are just so efing fabulous. I want this dvd for my 29th birthday. :)

What to listen to?If you like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, you will love this post. You can check out their whole live show online here. Now you know why i love an internet and so much.

Where to go?
I will be going to this meeting next week. Kind of randome and will be full off older people but then again whatelse could happen to me?

What to buy?Damn! I really want this jacket for my Thailand trip in May!!

What what what?I have been off caffeine for 4 days now! Gasp! I mean no diet coke or diet pepsi, no iced or hot tea and no coffee. I broke the rules today and went to Starbucks on the way to work and got myself a healthy Grande Green Tea Frappucio without whipped cream of couse. I will see how long I will last. It will be an interesting journey since I am a fanatic mocha drinker. Then I had a chance to read the article about how much coffee should you drink per day so you wont end up getting a heart attack. Greattt.And then I further read the post about Special K diet. Well I am on a better health diet and I think this cereal diet is full of craps! I can't take it. Either i eat real food and then excercise or just do lines of coke and get skinny.

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